CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 11
CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 11 (1997)(EMAP Images)(GB)(Track 1 of 3)[!][issue 1997-06].iso
about the examples
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Text File
148 lines
The files in this drawer are example files that you can easily modify to suit
your needs. Double click on the icons to start them or drag-and-drop the
icons over an open db project.
DO read this text, otherwise you might miss nice features like how to
make db show pictures, play sound, reformat input, or even control your
CD player!
This is an example of an "addressbook" which also records telephone numbers,
email numbers and a long comment line. It is designed with the US mail-
label layout in mind and has the following views:
* Mainview -All fields visible.
* Addresslabel -Only the address fields visible. Use this when exporting
* Phonelist -This view can be used with the "Export view" menu to make a
phonelist suitable to carry around in the wallet.
If you use db2.10+ you will find that this example also features a custom
ARexx menu. Try it out!
This file is similar to the Addresses file, but for Swedish users.
Labels PS:
This is a "label template" for PageStream.
The labels are 7 x 3.6 cm and occurs 3 x 8 across an A4 page.
The template is designed to suit an ASCII import from a View Export of an
Addresslabel view in the Addresses and Återförsäljare databases.
This file contains book information and is in plain ASCII.
It demonstrates ASCII import. The file comes from Alan Wigginton's
QuickFile program.
This file contains information about songs a diskjockey might need.
It comes from an Excel-file made by Mattias Johansson, Sweden. Thanks Mattias!
This file contains information about funboards for 1995.
The database comes from a PC based database program and is made by
Richard Starkenberg. Many thanks Richard!
Game reviews:
This is a new example demonstrating the use of the new fieldtypes db is
capable of handling: checkbox and cyclefields.
The example has two views. One main view and a second that is used when user
needs to search or sort the database based upon values in the checkbox
and cycle fields. This examples also serves as a demonstration of the
flexibility of the RFF file format that db uses: You may load this database
into an older version of db that can't handle these new field types, edit
the fields and then reload the database into db2.4 (or later). The checkbox
and cyclegadgets will then reappear. No errorcodes and no loss of information.
RFF is a backward AND forward compatible file format.
This drawer contains an interesting example on how ARexx can be used to
implement relations and enforce unique records in a database. Read more
in the .guide file inside the drawer.
ARexxDemos drawer:
The following exemples use ARexx but also some external files in this
drawer. They can be revealed by choosing 'Show all files' from Workbench.
This demo shows how db can be made to handle pictures, long texts and sounds
using a simple ARexx script. (It uses the RXFILE identifier in it's file.)
Pictures, sounds and other forms of data are stored as external files, but
the names (and path) are stored in the fields of each record. The files get
activated by simply doubleclicking on their names.
It needs ARexx and Multiview to run. You can easily change file viewer by
editing the ARexx scripts.
This demo shows how the AUTORXFILE RFF identifier can be used to
automatically call ARexx scripts to perform a number of interesting tasks.
It shows how field labels can be placed above the fields and also shows
a read-only field, the "text" field.
Like MagicFieldsII but with a more advanced expansion feature using a
separate file to store expansiondata
Enter dates several formats and it will be converted to a standard
date format.
This demo shows how you can use db to create a database of your CDs and play
the correct track from within db. Just doubleclick on the song you want to
It needs InfraRexx (see below) to control your CD player. You may have to
change playcdsong.db to play tracks >= 10 on your CD player.
InfraRexx is a hardware and software project that allows your Amiga
to control external devices and vice versa, via infrared signals.
ARexx commands sent to the InfraRexx Daemon commodity, cause
corresponding infrared commands to be sent to external devices. Vice
versa, infrared signals recognized by the Daemon can control software
via ARexx.
InfraRexx is made by Leon Woestenberg and Jeroen Steenblik and can be
found in the 'util/rexx' subdirectory at your favourite AmiNet site.
The demo is made by Anders Callertun.
The demo also shows how ARexx can be used to adjust data input. For example
user can enter 325 in the 'Length' field meaning a song lasting 3 minutes
and 25 seconds. This then automatically gets reformatted to 3:25
This demo supports different languages by reading the 'language' environment
variable. In OS3.1 this variable is already set, but for earlier versions
of the OS, I suggest that you do the following from shell:
(example for Swedish users)
> setenv language svenska
> copy env:language envarc:
/David Ekholm, Datadosen